Monday, September 5, 2011

Building the Mesoamerica Training Center

Dear friends:
Last April we bought a small peace of land for building the Mesoamerica Training Center. It is in the name of AMESC0PAZ, the Salvadoran association for peace. The land is 15 minutes away from the Majahual beach, El Salvador, a nice spot not far from San Salvador. We plan to facilitate workshops, training in skills that insure the sustainability of people and the environment, and use it also as a place to rest or enjoy swiming or surfing in the ocean. We hope that back pack people come an help us generate income for the Center.

When I was working for Foundation for Self-Sufficiency in CA, the present ECOVIVA, I was able to raise funds for the Mangle Center in Ciudad Romero and for the offices of Mangle Association. My hope is that I will be able to raise the funds for the MESOAMERICA TRAINING CENTER. It depends from you.

You can contribute: 1 square meter of construction is $300. 1 column is $40. 10 tiles is $10.

Chencho Alas

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